"Silverdoll", г. Санкт-Петербург. , Россия

тел:8-911-280-49-46 ; +7 (812) 521-61-19

We, Olga and Sergei Golomazovy, are the owners of the silver chinchilla Persians
cattery “Silver Doll”, which was founded in 1999. That was the time
we bought our first cat Nocturne, the silver chinchilla Persian.
In 2005 the cattery was registered in FIFE system. Our registration code is 698.
The main aim of our breeding- program is updating the silver chinchilla Persians
keeping the main advantages of the breed – green eyes, even color and cobby body.
The right way of selecting of the sires (this is the progeny
of the most famous catteries of Europe, Canada and USA ), well built
breeding-program – selecting the sires through pedigrees and line breeding gave a result.
Nowadays the “Silver Doll” cattery has got it's own outlook.
The conformation of it could be our show-results –
Best of Best, Best in Show, Best Young, Best kitten etc.
We can surely say that we are very happy, because it is our favorite pursuit.

Olga and Sergei Golomazovy.

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